Sixty-sixth Anniversary of the Devotion to Our Lady of America
Followed by Benediction and Cookout!
On Sunday, September 25, 2022, join us for the First Annual Walking Pilgrimage to the Our Lady, Patroness of America Center in Rome City from Kendallville, Indiana along the new Fishingline Trail. At 4:30pm the Pilgrimage will conclude with Benediction at the Oratory of the Holy Family and a Cookout on the Plaza.
Park at Patroness of America Center at 2730 E Northport Rd, Rome City, Ind. There will be 4 starting points for people prepared to walk various distances. Buses will shuttle you to your starting point by the schedule below:
Please help us better plan – RSVP!

STARTING POINTS (Marked on the Map):
- 7.3 mi. Starts at 1pm. Bus leaves at 12:30pm. Location: Trail behind Max Platt Ford Dealership.
- 6.2 mi. Starts at 2pm. Bus leaves at 1:30pm. Location: Parking lot by trail on CR 600 E.
- 3.3 mi. Starts at 3pm. Bus leaves at 2:30pm. Location: Gene Stratton Porter Parking lot.
- 1.1 mi. Starts at 3:30pm. Bus leaves at 3pm. Location: Trailhead parking lot on Lions Rd.
- Daypack
- At least 30 oz. of water per person
- Snacks
- Sunscreen
- Rosary and any other prayer materials.
Do’s and Don’ts:
- Begin practicing daily walking NOW, so you will be ready.
- Stay on the trail. Just off the trail is private property.
- Only cross roads when traffic is clear. Do not let cars waive you across.