Before we humbly seek the intercession of Our Lady, The Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of America (Our Lady of America) perhaps we should consider our relationship with her. Yes, she is our spiritual Mother, and she loves us more than we can comprehend, but we also know that children frequently offend and bring sorrow to a mother’s heart through their acts, transgressions, and indifference. The good mother still loves the child but is saddened, nevertheless.
We are her children and we have offended her. As a nation we have strayed in so many ways. Many embrace the seven deadly sins and even proclaim them as a good. We have much for which to apologize to Our Lady, individually and as a nation.
Our Lady of Fatima on December 10, 1925 gave us a specific way to offer reparation for offenses against her Immaculate Heart. The Five First Saturday devotion to the Immaculate Heart was given to Sr. Lucia dos Santos by Our Lady of Fatima. She calls us to attend Holy Mass, go to Confession, recite the Rosary, and meditate on the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. See this further explanation from the Marians of the Immaculate Conception for more details about the devotion.
Our Mission at Mother of Mercy Chapel is to bring the healing intercession of Our Lady to individuals and our nation. We seek the grace of the Divine Healer, Jesus Christ for all our personal and collective afflictions.
It is appropriate that before we ask Our Lady to intercede for us, we should first ask her forgiveness for our offenses against her. Thereafter, our pleas for her intercession will be even more vibrant in her heart.
Starting on Saturday March 6, 2021 at 11:00 AM we will have Mass in the Mother of Mercy Chapel. It is our hope that this will continue the first Saturday of each month throughout the summer.
The Mass will also be live streamed at the link below.
* Please note that we are still in renovation. Bathrooms may still be portable toilets. Pray everything gets done in time.
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