Special July 4th Weekend Set to Honor our Patroness

Nearly 200 pilgrimages visited Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of America this past July 4th weekend.  The pilgrims attended Holy Mass, Reconciliation, and offered the Patriotic Rosary seeking her intercession as our nation’s guardian, protector, and supporter. 

Fr Jeff Pomeisl, offered Mass in the Mother of Mercy Chapel as part of the Five First Saturdays in reparation for offenses against the Immaculate Heart.   The Chapel built in 1916 is home to the statue of Our Lady of America in the Chapel’s west transept. The chapel is adorned with stained glass which depicts the Seven Joys of Our Lady.


LoAfter Mass each pilgrim received a blessed fresh Lily like the one Our Lady if holding, representing purity.  The pilgrims took these home to remind them of Our Lady’s call to imitate the Holy Family.


With lily in hand pilgrims participated in praying the Patriotic Rosary.  In short, each bead of the Hail Mary Prayer is offered for one of the fifty states. 


We pray these pilgrims received abundant graces and that their prayers to Our Patroness were heard!

Less than 20 miles from Interstate-80/90 (Indiana Toll Road) and Intersate-69 in Northeast Indiana, it is easy to get to and is a worthwhile addition to your travel.   Call (260) 303-4990 before your visit for details and hours.  Map

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Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of America (in short, Our Lady of America) has been a foundational devotion for America since May 28, 1792 when America’s first Bishop, John Carroll, consecrated our nation to her.

On September 26, 1956 that devotion took on a more specific program when Sr. Mary Ephrem was inspired in prayer to pen a specific devotion to Our Lady under the guidance of her spiritual director Archbishop Paul F Leibold.   Sr. Ephrem was in the nun’s private chapel of the convent at Rome City, Indiana when the image of Our Lady of America was first formed.

The devotion to Our Lady of America is her specific instruction of how to live the admonition given by our first Bishop of “zealous imitation of her virtues.”   The devotion is a re-iteration, call and example of what the U.S. Bishops have already asked of the faithful from the very start of our nation’s history.

On November 8, 1954 a short time after the visit of the Angel of Peace, Our Lady spoke to me in these words: “It is the wish of my Son that fathers and mothers strive to imitate me and my chaste spouse in our holy life at Nazareth. We practiced the simple virtues of family life, Jesus our Son being the center of all our love and activity. The Holy Trinity dwelt with us in a manner far surpassing anything that can ever be imagined. For ours was the earthly paradise where once again God walked among men.

“As in our little home no sin was to be found, so it is the wish of the Heart of my Son and my Immaculate Heart that sin should, as far as possible, be un-heard of in the homes of our children.

“The Divine Trinity will dwell in your midst only if you are faithful in practicing the virtues of our life at Nazareth. Then, you also, my children, you also will become another paradise. God will then walk among you and you will have peace.

“I need your help to bring peace into the world. Do not disappoint me.”

(Excerpt from Sr. Mary Ephrem’s printed diary, November 8, 1954)

Due to the good providence of Bishop Kevin Rhoades, the private devotion to Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of America (in short, Our Lady of America) has been allowed to be promoted and practiced by the lay faithful at Mother of Mercy Chapel in Rome City, Indiana.   The west transept of the chapel is the home to the Our Lady of America Statue.

Our Lady of America

From there it is hoped that this devotion will flourish and the American family will be restored through the program of imitating the Holy Family, the Sacraments and prayer.

Just recently the Mother of Mercy Chapel and convent in Rome City, Indiana has become open for pilgrims.

Is she calling your family to imitate the Holy Family?  Is she calling your family to be a home for the Holy Trinity?  Through zealous imitation of the Holy Family and reception of the Sacraments it can be so!

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