Bishop’s Decree gives Our Lady, Patroness
of America a home!
His Excellency, Kevin C. Rhoades, Bishop of Fort Wayne – South Bend issued a Singular Decree on November 3, 2020, which recognized the Our Lady, Mother of Mercy Chapel, Rome City (now the Oratory of the Holy Family), Indiana as a public chapel of the lay faithful. And he further set forth that the Our Lady, Mother of Mercy Center is an allowed place of pilgrimage and is free to engage in public spiritual activities (Holy Mass, Rosary, Confessions, etc.) subject to the immediate vigilance of the Pastor of Saint Gaspar Parish, Rome City.
Further, the Decree went on to allow the devotion to Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of America to be practiced and promoted at the Mother of Mercy Center (now the Our Lady, Patroness of America Center).
The devotion’s path was first envisioned by the Bishops having jurisdiction in their Statement Regarding the Devotion to Our Lady of America (May 7, 2020). In subsequent dialogue with Bishop Rhoades the content of the decree was prayerfully envisioned and discerned resulting in his issuance.
“When it was issued, we were still amid extensive renovations and repairs to the Chapel. We have been operating under this decree since March 2020, when we offered the first Mass and now see it appropriate to make known its existence,” said Al Langsenkamp, Mother of Mercy Center and Foundation President.
Just recently, Bishop Rhoades responded to a request for two changes; he has approved a change in the Center’s name to Our Lady, Patroness of America Center; and has approved a change in the name of the Prayer to the Immaculate Conception to Prayer to Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of America. Both are in line with his desire that the Center focus attention on her role as Patroness of America.

Al Langsenkamp added, “The Bishops have given Our Lady, Patroness of America a home where she can welcome, console and bless pilgrims who seek her intercession. Further, they have pointed to her as Our Mother and Our Nation’s Patroness who will intercede for us before the Holy Trinity. She is calling us to imitate the Holy Family in virtue and faith. More so, with the Bishops’ decrees her intercession is available to us personally and as a nation in a new and powerful way! We are most grateful to Bishop Rhoades for his discerning pastoral care and trust in our mission at the Our Lady, Patroness of America Center.”
“May the Lord continue to bless you and your work! May Our Blessed Mother watch over and intercede for you and the pilgrims who come to the Center!” says Bishop Rhoades.
It is now official: devotion to Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of America is recognized by the Catholic Church as an allowed devotion of the lay faithful! Our Lady, Patroness of America now has a home and place of pilgrimage. It is the Our Lady, Patroness of America Center, Rome City Indiana. May her abundant Graces flow upon us!
For media inquiries:
Al Langsenkamp, President
Mother of Mercy Foundation
2730 E. Northport Rd
Rome City, IN 46784
(260) 303-4990
Statement on Supernaturality
Concerning this website and associated social media: Any reference to apparitions or other supernatural claims of Sr. Mary Ephrem, or any blog posting and comments referring to the same must be understood as alleged. Furthermore, any reference to Our Lady of America should be understood to mean Our Lady, The Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of America.
Hi Larry & Al!
Great news from Bishop Rhoades!
God Bless him!
We were just there Saturday 12/4/21! ( it was my 2nd time there!)Larry spoke at our tour.
Blessings upon all of you!
Mary Garby
(Glenview, IL)
God be praised! God bless Bishop Rhoades!
May Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of our land protect all of us, her children!🙏😇🎶
What HOPEFILLED NEWS!! Praise God that Our Lady’s messages are being recognized, and that she has a new home which her children can visit!
She has so loved our country! So VERY happy!
I weep tears of joy and gratitude as I read that Our Lady, The Immaculata, The Immaculate one, The Virgin of America, and her messages are now being revered and established and evangelized by means of a Holy Shrine of Pilgrimage and by means of these web sites and by means of the ongoing financial and spiritual encouragement of the laity in impressing it upon our Holy Ecclesials how very grave and important a responsibility we each have…to fulfill each our Holy Calls and Commissions to make known her Immaculate Heart’s Call to sincerely repent and amend our lives with faith filled and fervent humble implores for an ever deeper conversion and sanctification of our souls and for the souls of each and All. St Joseph has a most special role to play in this end time.Our Lady desires we turn our Hearts to Him and become St Joseph’s Grotto Builders…building Grottos dedicated to The Holy Family, wherein all may be called to visit and pray at daily their Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Chaplet of our Lady’s Tears and Chaplet of Virtues…and their daily confessions and Consecration of their Hearts and souls and lives unto the Three Triune Trinitarian Hearts of Mary, Jesus and Joseph as one/ as won. Amen! Fiat! Orea! And so it is.God BLZ! Orea, Sta Ana reborn, Your Imc Heart Shepherdess and Virgin of the Globe most powerful. May you remember that True Liberty is the Liberty to Live as a Holy and Divine Child of the Light, as one of Gods Beloveds in whom He is well pleased. There is no greater joy than this! This is the Message that needs to be Evangelized and the pathway to this IS the Pathway of Confession, repentance, Amendment and Conversion of ones Life and Sanctification and Consecration ones Life. Thus, The Holy Family reveals to us The Holy Trinity of Gods Divine Nature and thru this Pathway, our Holy Grottos become living Portals unto Heavens Grace’s, living Portals of Sanctification, Living Portals wherein we may attune to Heavens Holy Ones and Call them forth into our midst. For The Holy Family desires to enter directly into the lives of…and embrace and protect and commune with and guide and instruct the Hearts and minds and souls of each and everyone of us. May we desire as much for others as ourselves, the Conversion and Consecration and Sanctification of each and all! May we who are already devoted to the Holy Family renew our efforts of outreach to Evangelize all! So many who have grown lukewarm, need to once again be set afire with the Love and Light and Holy Zeal filled Power of The HOLY SPIRIT. I thank you each for your faithfulness in serving The Holy Family of Heaven. I bear in my heart and in my eyes THEIR Tears of gratitude and joy for all you are doing to Awaken America to Our Lady’s most urgent Call. Your Immaculate Heart Shepherdess, Orea, Sta Ana reborn, Lady Liberty Incarnate. I Lift My Lamp Before The Golden Door That Leads To Heaven…May all follow in this humble pathway of becoming a humble hand maid of the Lord, our Savior, Jesus the Christ I Bless you in the name of Mary, Jesus, Joseph and Sta Ana and St Joachim. If I am not able to visit this Holy Shrine by normal means of transportation, I shall implore My Good Spiritual Grandfather, Padre PIO to help me to bilocate and to assist me in overlighting your Holy Grotto to Our Lady of America and The Holy Family.May the Peace of Heaven Be Upon You! Amen!