In conjunction with the 2022 March for Life there will be a
Novena of Masses offered January 18-26 @ 11:00 AM EST at the Our Lady,
Patroness of America Center in Rome City Indiana.
We will be praying for the conversion of all abortion
supporters and the healing of all who have been injured by the plague of
The Our Lady, Patroness of America Center seeks the intercession
of Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin, as our nation’s Patroness and Protector. Under
the guidance of Bishop Kevin Rhoades, the center is a place of pilgrimage for seeking
her intercession as Patroness of our nation.
We encourage those going to DC for the March to stop in Rome
City, Indiana and pray for her intercession.
And then take Our Lady of America in your heart to the March. We will be open for the Mass each day and
will be sure to welcome you and your group at other times as well. Or you can stop on your way home also. Rome
City is only 25 minutes from Interstate 80-90 and 69.
If you will be arriving at the Center any time other than
Mass, please call ahead (260-303-4990)so we can meet and welcome you into the