Eucharistic Reservation Begins at Oratory

This is exciting news for the Oratory of the Holy Family as we prepare to welcome the Blessed Sacrament in continuous reservation in the Tabernacle! 

Starting with Bishop Kevin Rhoades’s first Mass offered in the Oratory of the Holy Family in August 2022, he envisioned that Our Eucharistic Lord would reside here.  It has taken us two years to get ready.  In discussion with Bishop Rhoads, we outlined the tradeoffs and changes to the facility needed to provide a prayerful place for Eucharistic Prayer.  It isn’t straightforward because we also have large groups that visit here, and the Oratory is the only space large enough space to present to them.  The solution agreed upon was establishing a Eucharistic Chapel to the right of the Sanctuary.  This will provide a prayerful and appropriate side chapel for Eucharistic prayer and the Tabernacle.   We are in the process of completing the final changes.

We hope this is only temporary and that the Eucharist will again be front and center in the Sanctuary. We pray that a convocation center will someday be built to accommodate large groups for presentations and speakers. This would return the Oratory to a place dedicated to prayer, and the Tabernacle would be central to the Sanctuary.  While we work with what we have, we always look to the future and how to accommodate Our Lady’s unfolding works. 

The presence of Our Eucharistic Lord is a great gift to Our Lady’s Pilgrims.  She desires always to bring us to her Son.  With Jesus Christ present, the fulfillment of her desire will be possible in the Oratory.

This is also a great gift for our staff and volunteers.  Going to work and visiting Our Lord at the beginning and end of each day is an extraordinary gift that I hope will never be routine but always held in great esteem and awe, helping us grow in love for Our Lord.

Reservation will be in conjunction with the First Saturday Mass and devotions. We will begin August 3 with the Patriotic Rosary at 10:30 a.m. At 11 a.m., Father Louis Fowoyo will celebrate the Holy Mass. Afterward, please join us for lunch and community on the plaza.

Previous Oratory Altar is being reworked and strengthend to support the wieght of the beautiful Oratory Tabernacle. 

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Busload of Pilgrims Enjoy Tour

On June 15th, we had the great joy of hosting around 70 pilgrims from various counties in Ohio. The bus arrived at the Our Lady, Patroness of America Center around 10:30 am and we jumped into a presentation by Al Langsenkamp at 11. After hearing about the history of the center, pilgrims enjoyed a boxed lunch out on the plaza. Following a good lunch break with time to visit the gift shop, fill up bottles at the spring, and enjoy the sunshine on campus, pilgrims were again invited to the Oratory to hear the rest of the story of the devotion. Pilgrims were challenged to participate in the devotion and help bring peace to the world. The day concluded with praying the Divine Mercy chaplet, a group picture, and praying the Rosary together on Holy Family Hill. Several fun giveaways throughout the day kept things exciting, with one pilgrim even winning a statue of Our Lady of America. With that, they loaded up the bus and had a safe journey back to Ohio.

The trip was organized and supported by the Alliance of the Holy Family International in partnership with the Legion of Mary and the Knights of Columbus.

We are so grateful for our time with them, and thankful to God for another beautiful day with our pilgrims.

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Corpus Christi Procession Grows Amid Eucharistic Revival

On Sunday, June 2nd, parishioners from Saint Gaspar parish in Rome City celebrated the feast of Corpus Christi together. After the 10 am Mass, they held a Eucharistic Procession from the parish to Our Lady, Patroness of America Center down the road. Pilgrim parishioners followed our Eucharistic Lord down highway 9 assisted by the local police department.

Thouands of processions took place around the world as the Church celebrated the Solemnity of Corpus Christi. The processions were particularly highlighted in the United States as we continue to prepare for the National Eucharistic Revival taking place in Indianapolis in July. Pilgrimages from around the country have already begun the journey to Indy; you can follow their pilgrimage route here. 

The procession ended with a short time of Adoration and Benediction in the Oratory of the Holy Family. Afterward, parishioners enjoyed a picnic lunch together. 

O Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament divine, all praise and all thanksgiving, be every moment thine.”

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Our Lady Travels to Staten Island

On May 19th, the Church throughout the world was celebrating Pentecost Sunday, but something special was happening on Staten Island. In celebration of the Solemnity of Pentecost and in preparation for the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton route of the Eucharistic Revival procession passing through, a group of priests and laity wanted to create a New York City-wide campaign to consecrate the city. A team of about 30 people gathered together for what they called the Miraculous Medal Mission. This group was then divided into 5 groups and dispatched throughout the island.

MMM crowd NY

The teams spent the morning and afternoon traveling throughout the island burying Saint Benedict medals and praying prayers of exorcism and prayers of consecration. Included on one of the teams was the processional statue of Our Lady of America, which Al Langsenkamp flew out from her home in Rome City, Indiana. The statue was taken with one of the teams to each of the four corners of the island as part of the consecration. They also made a stop at the Conference House and the Staten Island September 11th Memorial 

statue on steps NY

The day of prayer ended with the height of prayer, the Holy Mass, at one of the largest parishes in the Archdiocese, Saint Clare of Assisi. The statue of Our Lady of America was processed in during the opening hymn. At the end of Mass, the pastor asked Al Langsenkamp, the president of the foundation operating Our Lady Patroness of America Center, to give a short presentation on Our Lady of America to the congregation. Al graciously accepted the invitation and miraculously squeezed a whole lot of information into a very short amount of time, inviting people to check out online resources and make a pilgrimage to Indiana for more. At the conclusion of the Mass, everyone prayed the prayer to Our Lady of America together. Overall it was a beautiful day, and the fruit and graces from those prayers will undoubtedly continue to bless New York and all of us for many years to come.

Crowd on church steps NY 2
Saint Clare's parish NY

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