Corpus Christi Procession Grows Amid Eucharistic Revival

On Sunday, June 2nd, parishioners from Saint Gaspar parish in Rome City celebrated the feast of Corpus Christi together. After the 10 am Mass, they held a Eucharistic Procession from the parish to Our Lady, Patroness of America Center down the road. Pilgrim parishioners followed our Eucharistic Lord down highway 9 assisted by the local police department.

Thouands of processions took place around the world as the Church celebrated the Solemnity of Corpus Christi. The processions were particularly highlighted in the United States as we continue to prepare for the National Eucharistic Revival taking place in Indianapolis in July. Pilgrimages from around the country have already begun the journey to Indy; you can follow their pilgrimage route here. 

The procession ended with a short time of Adoration and Benediction in the Oratory of the Holy Family. Afterward, parishioners enjoyed a picnic lunch together. 

O Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament divine, all praise and all thanksgiving, be every moment thine.”