Special July 4th Weekend Set to Honor our Patroness

Nearly 200 pilgrimages visited Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of America this past July 4th weekend.  The pilgrims attended Holy Mass, Reconciliation, and offered the Patriotic Rosary seeking her intercession as our nation’s guardian, protector, and supporter. 

Fr Jeff Pomeisl, offered Mass in the Mother of Mercy Chapel as part of the Five First Saturdays in reparation for offenses against the Immaculate Heart.   The Chapel built in 1916 is home to the statue of Our Lady of America in the Chapel’s west transept. The chapel is adorned with stained glass which depicts the Seven Joys of Our Lady.


LoAfter Mass each pilgrim received a blessed fresh Lily like the one Our Lady if holding, representing purity.  The pilgrims took these home to remind them of Our Lady’s call to imitate the Holy Family.


With lily in hand pilgrims participated in praying the Patriotic Rosary.  In short, each bead of the Hail Mary Prayer is offered for one of the fifty states. 


We pray these pilgrims received abundant graces and that their prayers to Our Patroness were heard!

Less than 20 miles from Interstate-80/90 (Indiana Toll Road) and Intersate-69 in Northeast Indiana, it is easy to get to and is a worthwhile addition to your travel.   Call (260) 303-4990 before your visit for details and hours.  Map

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Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of America (in short, Our Lady of America) has been a foundational devotion for America since May 28, 1792 when America’s first Bishop, John Carroll, consecrated our nation to her.

On September 26, 1956 that devotion took on a more specific program when Sr. Mary Ephrem was inspired in prayer to pen a specific devotion to Our Lady under the guidance of her spiritual director Archbishop Paul F Leibold.   Sr. Ephrem was in the nun’s private chapel of the convent at Rome City, Indiana when the image of Our Lady of America was first formed.

The devotion to Our Lady of America is her specific instruction of how to live the admonition given by our first Bishop of “zealous imitation of her virtues.”   The devotion is a re-iteration, call and example of what the U.S. Bishops have already asked of the faithful from the very start of our nation’s history.

On November 8, 1954 a short time after the visit of the Angel of Peace, Our Lady spoke to me in these words: “It is the wish of my Son that fathers and mothers strive to imitate me and my chaste spouse in our holy life at Nazareth. We practiced the simple virtues of family life, Jesus our Son being the center of all our love and activity. The Holy Trinity dwelt with us in a manner far surpassing anything that can ever be imagined. For ours was the earthly paradise where once again God walked among men.

“As in our little home no sin was to be found, so it is the wish of the Heart of my Son and my Immaculate Heart that sin should, as far as possible, be un-heard of in the homes of our children.

“The Divine Trinity will dwell in your midst only if you are faithful in practicing the virtues of our life at Nazareth. Then, you also, my children, you also will become another paradise. God will then walk among you and you will have peace.

“I need your help to bring peace into the world. Do not disappoint me.”

(Excerpt from Sr. Mary Ephrem’s printed diary, November 8, 1954)

Due to the good providence of Bishop Kevin Rhoades, the private devotion to Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of America (in short, Our Lady of America) has been allowed to be promoted and practiced by the lay faithful at Mother of Mercy Chapel in Rome City, Indiana.   The west transept of the chapel is the home to the Our Lady of America Statue.

Our Lady of America

From there it is hoped that this devotion will flourish and the American family will be restored through the program of imitating the Holy Family, the Sacraments and prayer.

Just recently the Mother of Mercy Chapel and convent in Rome City, Indiana has become open for pilgrims.

Is she calling your family to imitate the Holy Family?  Is she calling your family to be a home for the Holy Trinity?  Through zealous imitation of the Holy Family and reception of the Sacraments it can be so!

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In just a few weeks we will celebrate the 245th anniversary of our nation’s beginning!  In these years we have risen to become the greatest nation in modern history.  America was constructed with a novel Declaration of Independence and subsequent Constitution that recognized in law the greatest of human freedoms.   Among those freedoms enshrined into law was the free right to worship God without coercion or obstruction. 

Not only was our nation founded with these freedoms, but our founding fathers also recognized that Divine Providence was clearly evident in our establishment.

  • “The Hand of providence has been so conspicuous in all this, that he must be worse than an infidel that lacks faith, and more than wicked, that has not gratitude enough to acknowledge his obligations.” George Washington, 1778.
  • “It becomes a people publicly to acknowledge the overruling hand of Divine Providence and their dependence upon the Supreme Being as their Creator and Merciful Preserver . . .” Samuel Huntington, 1791. Signatory to the Declaration of Independence

To further recognize this reality the motto “In God We Trust” has graced our currency – on and off – throughout our history.   But it was a law unanimously passed in joint resolution by the 84th Congress (P.L. 84-140) and signed into law by President Dwight D. Eisenhower on July 30, 1956,that established IN GOD WE TRUST as the national motto of the United States.

Just years earlier the U.S. Supreme Court in Zorach v. Clauson (1952) found that a New York school time release program for students to attend religious instruction was constitutional.  Justice Douglas’s majority opinion dismissed the free exercise claim by pointing out that the parents of the children in the released time program had given their permission. The court could find no coercion or obstruction to religious practice in this case and concluded in a widely quoted statement.  He disposed of the establishment clause issue by writing, “We are a religious people whose institutions presuppose a Supreme Being.” Accommodating people of faith who desire religious education “follows the best of our traditions” and “respects the religious nature of our people.”

Stop and think about this!

  • Our nation’s Congress, unanimously declare in law, IN GOD WE TRUST!
  • President Dwight Eisenhower signed it into law.
  • The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the choice of and access to religious education as a Constitutional right.

In the 1950s each branch of the Federal government acted to establish that we are indeed “One nation under God!”

Spiritual Backdrop

As written here before (link) the Catholic Church in America has long laid the foundation for what had now become a political reality.   With our nation’s first consecration to Our Lady on May 28, 1792, by Bishop John Carroll, he named her Patroness of America with these words:  “I shall only add this my earnest request, that to the exercise of the sublimest virtues, faith, hope and charity, you will join a fervent and well-regulated devotion to the Holy Mother of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; that you will place great confidence in her in all your necessities. Having chosen her the special patroness of this Diocese, you are placed, of course, under her powerful protection; and it becomes your duty to be careful to deserve its continuance by a zealous imitation of her virtues and a reliance on her motherly superintendence.”

Bishop Carroll’s consecration of the United States has been repeated throughout our nation’s history by the U.S. Bishops.   There is no doubt that our nation is consecrated to Our Lady and that she is Our Patroness.  (See Springs forth from the Immaculate Conception)

Considering this backdrop, is it coincidence, or something more, that just weeks after President Eisenhower signs the bill is when Sr. Mary Ephrem is inspired in prayer to bring to our attention the fact that Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin, is Patroness of America (in short, Our Lady of America)?    It is at this same time that the construction on the upper church of the Basilica Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington DC is in full swing, further showing our nations love for Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of America.

Perhaps Heaven was giving recognition to the fact that America is a Nation Under God.  By 1956 both the Church (in consecration) and the secular government (in Law) had given full recognition to this fact!

But Heaven is calling America to an even higher purpose.  The Devotion to Our Lady of America calls us as citizens of this great nation to seek purity through imitation of the Immaculate Conception and the Holy Family.  In doing so, an abundance of Grace will come upon us and strengthen us to fulfill Heaven’s plan.

This fulfillment would, in fact, cause a great diminishment in the power of evil.  As we can see since 1956 there has been continuous moral decay in our nation.  We see the social ills that bring so much pain to our people.  And our government has enshrined into law much that is against the natural law and clearly an afront to our Creator.  Evil is aggressively blocking Heaven’s plan.

Have we strayed too far?  I take great solace in Genesis 18:32 “But he persisted: “Please, do not let my Lord be angry if I speak up this last time. What if ten are found there”? The Lord replies “For the sake of the ten, he replied, I will not destroy it”.

So, if there are still faithful and holy people in our nation then it will not be destroyed.  However, the Bible in many places speaks of punishment and chastisement for nations that stray from God.   Even America has experienced this chastisement.   In the 1950s when the government and Church declared us as “One Nation Under God” we had just experienced the great chastisement of two World Wars and the Great Depression.   We were tested and we returned to God.

Given our current state can chastisement be avoided?  The answer is clearly yes! In Jonah 3:10 we see God stepping back from His chastisement of a repentant people: “When God saw by their actions how they turned from their evil way, he repented of the evil he had threatened to do to them; he did not carry it out.”

Fortunately, Heaven has also given us a way to appease His Divine Justice: seek the Virtues, avoid the Vices, pray, and receive the Sacraments – especially Confession and Eucharist.   Furthermore, Our Lady of Fatima gave us the First Saturday Devotion as a specific way to appease Divine Justice by making atonement for offenses (sin) against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  The Mother of Mercy Chapel has been allowed by Bishop Kevin Rhoades to have Mass in the Chapel on the First Saturday of each month for this purpose.

This is our institutional effort at the Mother of Mercy Chapel to appease the Justice of God.  We urge you to follow a personal plan as outlined in the Devotion to Our Lady of America of seeking purity in your life by imitation of the Holy Family and frequenting the Sacraments.

With this abundance of Grace, we as a nation will change our culture and lead the world to peace.   I pray that we once again rise to recognize that we are “One Nation Under God!”

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Springs Forth from the Immaculate Conception


To understand the devotion to Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of America (in short Our Lady of America) it is most helpful to understand the historical backdrop to her message.  The devotion to Our Lady of America has as its very center the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. Forming its very foundation is the consecration of our nation by the American bishops, the love of her children in America and the honor given Our Lady as the Immaculate Conception which has been made manifest by the Basilica Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C.

When the Catholic Church erected out first diocese in the United States in 1791 Bishop John Carroll was named our first Bishop.  On May 28, 1792 he addressed his diocese which encompassed all that was then the United States of America with these words:

Archbishop John Carroll

Archbishop John Carroll

“I shall only add this my earnest request, that to the exercise of the sublimest virtues, faith, hope and charity, you will join a fervent and well-regulated devotion to the Holy Mother of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; that you will place great confidence in her in all your necessities. Having chosen her the special patroness of this Diocese, you are placed, of course, under her powerful protection; and it becomes your duty to be careful to deserve its continuance by a zealous imitation of her virtues and a reliance on her motherly superintendence.”(Underline added)

This devotion to Our Lady of America is her specific instruction of how to live the admonition given by our first Bishop of “zealous imitation of her virtues”.   The devotion is a re-iteration, call and example of what the U.S. Bishops have already asked of the faithful from the very start of our nation’s history.

Sixth Provincial Council of U.S. Bishops 1846

Sixth Provincial Council of U.S. Bishops 1846

Archbishop Samuel Eccleston of Baltimore called the Sixth Provincial Council of the Church in America in 1846. Twenty-two bishops responded, and the Council passed as its first decree the resolution to choose Mary Immaculate as the Patroness of the United States and to make December 8 the patronal feast. In the Pastoral Letter issued by the Council, dated May 5, 1846, we read:

“We take this occasion, brethren, to communicate to you the determination, unanimously adopted by us, to place ourselves and all entrusted to our charge throughout the United States, under the special patronage of the holy Mother of God, whose Immaculate Conception is venerated by the piety of the faithful throughout the Catholic Church. By the aid of her prayers, we entertain the confident hope that we will be strengthened to perform the arduous duties of our ministry, and that you will be enabled to practice the sublime virtues, of which her life presents the most perfect example.”

Once again, our Bishops called the faithful to “practice the sublime virtues, of which her life presents the most perfect example”.   This devotion to Our Lady of America teaches us how to live these, further calling out the life of the Holy Family as example for mother, father and child.

The following year the Sacred Congregation of the Propaganda Fide confirms in its announcement that “our Holy Father Pius IX most willingly confirmed the wishes of the Council that has “selected the Blessed Virgin, conceived without sin, as the patroness of the Church in the United States of America.”

Pope Pius IX

Pope Pius IX

“To complete the crown of Mary Immaculate as Patroness of the United States there remained the building of a national shrine which should serve as an outward expression of our love and as a place of pilgrimage where honor should be paid to the Mother of God who had protected our nation in all its days. At the time of the fiftieth anniversary of the promulgation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, 1904, a national shrine to be built in Washington, on the grounds of the Catholic University of America, began to be speculated upon by members of the hierarchy of our country. Plans were laid, and ten years later His Holiness Pope Pius X, sent to His Eminence, James Cardinal Gibbons, the blessing of the Holy See upon the project. World War I intervened. In 1920 Archbishop Bonzano, the Apostolic Delegate to the United States, celebrated Mass outdoors on the site. Within a few months Cardinal Gibbons laid the cornerstone with solemn ceremonies, attended by a large number of the hierarchy and by diplomatic representatives of twenty-four nations.”

41VYzGGAg-L._SY298_BO1,204,203,200_[1]Richard Cardinal Cushing (then Auxiliary Bishop) noted that the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception would serve “as an outward expression of our love and a place of pilgrimage where Honor should be paid to the Mother of God…”  This statement is completely aligned with the desire of Our Lady.  This excerpt from the diary of Sr. Mary Ephrem:

“Today the Holy Virgin appeared to me as I was working in my room. Our Lady was very beautiful, and she was again smiling in her heavenly way. She was dressed in the same manner as when I first saw her, except that her Immaculate Heart did not appear. Instead of the lily, she held with both hands a small replica of the finished Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. She then began to speak. Her presence overwhelmed me with its holiness. I was compelled to stop my work, for it was impossible to go on. I then knelt down and wrote Our Lady’s words as she desired:

national-shrine-immaculate-conception[1]“This is my shrine, my daughter. I am very pleased with it. Tell my children I thank them. Let them finish it quickly and make it a place of pilgrimage. It will be a place of wonders. I promise this, I will bless all those who, either by prayers, labor, or material aid, help to erect this shrine.” (October 13, 1956)

One may rightly ask the question of why would Our Lady come with yet another title when we as a nation have chosen her as the Immaculate Conception to be Patroness of Our Land?   In answer to this it is worthy of note that she only once refers to herself as Our Lady of America and that is on the date of her first alleged appearance in that regalia.   The day before this first alleged appearance she appears as Our Lady of Lourdes, showing that her title of Our Lady of America is in response to our nation’s claiming of her, the Immaculate Conception, as our own.   As Our Lady of Lourdes and on the eve of her alleged appearance as Our Lady of America she says this:

“I am pleased, my child, with the love and honor my children in America give to me, especially through my glorious and unique privilege of the Immaculate Conception. I promise to reward their love by working through the power of my Son’s Heart and my Immaculate Heart miracles of grace among them. I do not promise miracles of the body, but of the soul.”

So it is clear here that the promises of graces come out of her Immaculate Conception and not out of the added title of Our Lady of America.

Furthermore, the petitions for grace in this devotion are also to be directed to the Virgin Mary with recognition of her singular grace as the Immaculate Conception:

“By thy Holy and Immaculate Conception, Oh Mary, deliver us from Evil.”

The next day after (feast of the North America Martyrs) allegedly appearing as Our Lady of Lourdes she is in new regalia and introduces Her new program for America:

“I am Our Lady of America. I desire that my children honor me, especially by the purity of their lives.”(September 26, 1956)

On the next day, as Our Lady of America, she confirms her identity as that which the U.S. Bishop declared and which was ratified by the Holy See in proclaiming:

“I am the Immaculate One, Patroness of your land. Be my faithful children as I have been your faithful Mother.”(October 27, 1956)

As asked by the U.S. Bishops (for “zealous imitation of her virtues”) in that first consecration to the Immaculate Virgin and in unity with them, Our Lady of America asks us to imitate her purity.

She then develops a special program of devotion to Our Lady of America to include all of her virtues, those of Saint Joseph and the Holy Child.  In total she calls us to imitate the Holy Family.  Sr. Mary Ephrem further explains:

Our Blessed Mother called herself Our Lady of America in response to the love and desire that reached out for this special title in the hearts of her children in America. This title was the sign of her pleasure at the confidence our land places in her and as a reward for its staunch and childlike devotion to her. Her children longed for this personal visit of Our Lady, whether consciously or otherwise, and in her kindness and mercy she responded far beyond all expectations. (Page 7)

The title of Our Lady of America does not portray a new theological understanding, but rather is granted by Heaven to acknowledge our love for Her.   She is not asking for a new consecration of our nation, but rather is acknowledging that which has already been accomplished.  Further she exhorts us to imitate that which she is, the Immaculate Conception.   She goes on to describe the desire of her Immaculate Heart.

Our Lady, four“My child, I entrust you with this message that you must make known to my children in America. I wish it to be the country dedicated to my purity. The wonders I will work will be the wonders of the soul. They must have faith and believe firmly in my love for them. I desire that they be the children of my Pure Heart. I desire, through my children of America, to further the cause of faith and purity among peoples and nations. Let them come to me with confidence and simplicity, and I, their Mother, will teach them to become pure like to my Heart that their own hearts may be more pleasing to the Heart of my Son.”

Study of these messages reveals no conflict with our nation’s consecration to the Immaculate Conception, but more over a call to live that consecration through desire to imitate the Holy Family and graces obtained through her.

“… Our Lady of America, the Immaculate Virgin, offers to our country, in title and in grace, a renewal of our national devotion to the Immaculate Virgin, but with a renewed dynamic of purity so as to better live the Gospel call to Christian purity and holiness within the heightened challenges of our present day.

“Just as we would not want to negate the great historic graces received through Our Lady’s 1858 apparitions at Lourdes with the objection: “Why do we need Our Lady of Lourdes when we already have Our Lady of Guadalupe?”, so too, we want to have our hearts open to any new and powerful grace offered to us by God’s generosity in the form of new Marian apparitions, which in turn bring with them new and dynamic graces for our nation now, and ultimately for the entire world. ” [1]

Our Lady calls us to purity.  The program which Our Lady of America brings to us promises the graces to reject the temptations of our time and give us emphasis on certain Church teachings which are an antidote for the pervasive sins of today.  Given today’s, almost unbridled, sexually immorality one could conclude therein is the focus of her message on purity.  But what Our Lady brings is so much more than that.  While sexual purity is certainly among that which she asks, it is total purity of heart and mind to that which she calls us.  She calls us to that purity of thought, action and sacramental life that results in the ultimate purity which is Sanctifying Grace.

From the appearance of Our Lady of Lourdes in 1858 sprang forth the clear understanding of her Immaculate Nature.  Her miraculous appearance and healings caused to be promulgated with speed that Dogma proclaimed in 1854.  Whereas the devotional program at Lourdes, France focuses on pilgrimage, physical healings and Eucharistic Procession at the location of the apparition, the devotional program outlined by Our Lady of America focuses on spiritual healing and the opening of our hearts to the Divine Indwelling through adherence to the program and intercessory graces of that same Immaculate Virgin.  Where at Lourdes she caused to be created a fruitful cult and great pilgrimage shrine, in this devotion she builds upon that with this ultimate hope:

“I desire to make the whole of America my shrine by making every heart accessible to the love of my Son.”

How?  While the depiction of Our Lady of Lourdes shows no external signs of her intrinsic nature (with the exception of the roses springing forth from her feet), Our Lady of America’s depiction shows her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart fully exposed (through which all graces flow), circled in roses and inflamed.   With her right hand she is extending as a gift the lily symbolizing her purity.  

She wants to share this gift with us.   By accepting it and living a sacramental and pure life as described in this devotion one will live in a state of sanctifying grace.  This soul is then pleasing to her Son who takes refuge there.   With this indwelling then the soul is a part of the Shrine which our Lady wants to make the “whole of America”.

[1] Dr. Mark Miravalle, Ph.D.

*The Holy Church has been unable to find as objectively supernatural  the devotion to Our Lady of America, but has found its origins to be inspired in prayer.  

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Patroness of America’s 229th Anniversary

On May 28, 2021, our nation will celebrate the 229th anniversary of our nation’s consecration to Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of America. The private devotion to Our Lady of America, the Immaculate Virgin is a response to this consecration of our nation by our first Bishop, John Carroll.

This consecration has offered our nation the advantage of Our Lady’s intercession, protection and patronage. While we have been greatly tested throughout our history with the civil war, two World Wars and numerous other conflicts, we have overcome these difficulties and risen to greatness.

Today, our challenges seem to be more spiritual and internal vs. physical and external. As a nation we face the challenges of civil unrest, disease and waning of faith. Worst of all we are losing sense of the sacredness of human life.

This consecration is of great importance to our nation’s successful response to the turmoil of today and the continuing moral decline. Our Lady shows us the way and promises the graces to succeed. She will never abandon us, no matter how far we stray. In our defense, the Church and her bishops have been steadfast in calling on her, Our Mother to be our source of protection, intercession and patronage.

We should be concerned for our nation’s future and confident in Our Lady’s guidance.

To learn more of the Consecration and ongoing history of devotion to Our Lady of America please visit “Springs Forth from the Immaculate Conception.”

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Chapel Full at March Holy Mass

First Saturday Devotion Masses to Continue! Next May 1.

Fr. Osman Ramos offered the First Saturday devotional Mass on March 6 and was most pleased to see over 100 souls in attendance! A good number of people joined the live-stream as well.   

He has given his allowance for us to continue these First Saturday Masses for the remainder of the year!


 The next Mass with be offered Saturday May, 1 at 11:00 AM EDT by Monsignor Joseph Schaedel.  The Mother of Mercy Foundation warmly invites you to attend in person or join by live-stream.   See PatronessOfAmerica.org for more details.

First Saturday Devotion

This Mass will be offered on the First Saturday of the month in keeping with The First Saturday Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. 

Our Lady of Fatima on December 10, 1925 gave us a specific way to offer reparation for offenses against her Immaculate Heart.  The Five First Saturday devotion to the Immaculate Heart was given to Sr. Lucia dos Santos by Our Lady of Fatima.   She calls us to attend Holy Mass, go to Confession, recite the Rosary, and meditate on the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary.   See this further explanation from the Marians of the Immaculate Conception for more details about the devotion.


2021 First Saturday Schedule

  • May 1
  • June 5
  • July 3
  • August 7
  • September 4
  • October 2
  • November 6
  • December 4
See events for details


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2021 Masses begin at Mother of Mercy Chapel

Starts with First Saturday Devotion to the Immaculate Heart

Before we humbly seek the intercession of Our Lady, The Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of America (Our Lady of America) perhaps we should consider our relationship with her.  Yes, she is our spiritual Mother, and she loves us more than we can comprehend, but we also know that children frequently offend and bring sorrow to a mother’s heart through their acts, transgressions, and indifference. The good mother still loves the child but is saddened, nevertheless.  

We are her children and we have offended her.  As a nation we have strayed in so many ways.  Many embrace the seven deadly sins and even proclaim them as a good.   We have much for which to apologize to Our Lady, individually and as a nation.

Our Lady of Fatima on December 10, 1925 gave us a specific way to offer reparation for offenses against her Immaculate Heart.  The Five First Saturday devotion to the Immaculate Heart was given to Sr. Lucia dos Santos by Our Lady of Fatima.   She calls us to attend Holy Mass, go to Confession, recite the Rosary, and meditate on the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary.   See this further explanation from the Marians of the Immaculate Conception for more details about the devotion.

Our Mission at Mother of Mercy Chapel is to bring the healing intercession of Our Lady to individuals and our nation.  We seek the grace of the Divine Healer, Jesus Christ for all our personal and collective afflictions.  

It is appropriate that before we ask Our Lady to intercede for us, we should first ask her forgiveness for our offenses against her.  Thereafter, our pleas for her intercession will be even more vibrant in her heart.

Starting on Saturday March 6, 2021 at 11:00 AM we will have Mass in the Mother of Mercy Chapel.  It is our hope that this will continue the first Saturday of each month throughout the summer. 

The Mass will also be live streamed at the link below.

* Please note that we are still in renovation.  Bathrooms may still be portable toilets.  Pray everything gets done in time.

** To receive future updates be sure to subscribe to our eMail Newsletter – top right hand column.

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Events for 2020 Feast of The Immaculate Conception – Mass Live Streamed Dec. 8

Chapel open for Pilgrims on Feast of The Immaculate Conception. Live Streamed Mass @4:30 PM EST

The Our Lady, Mother of Mercy Chapel will be open on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8) from 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM.   We will be honoring Our Lady The Immaculate Conception, Patroness of America, in short – Our Lady of America.  There will be the praying of the Angelus & Holy Rosary at 12:00 Noon and 3:00 PM.   Holy Mass will be celebrated at 4:30 PM (all times are EST). Mass will be live streamed. All are welcome. 

We apologize for the very short notice.  The staff and volunteers at the Chapel have been working non-stop to get the chapel ready.  Heat installation in the Chapel was just completed Friday.  If you do visit us, please dress warmly as the rest of the building is still without heat.  We only have outside portable bathrooms at this time, so plan accordingly. Masks are required anytime that social distancing cannot be maintained.   


Monsignor Joseph Schaedel will be offering the Mass. The Mass will be live streamed and available afterwards.   See live stream below.

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