Annual Fundraising Appeal 2-for-1 Match!

UPDATE: Annual Appeal - 2-for-1 Match


We express our great appreciation and thanks to the many donors who helped us meet our fundraising goal for 2024.  We exceeded the level needed to receive the entire $300,000 2-for-1 match from our Board.  Even though the match was exceeded, the board has agreed to match 2-for-1 all donations made during the match period.  

The generosity of our benefactors and board is so encouraging as we work to make known Our Lady’s great gift for America.   Let us lead the world to peace with Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of America, showing us the way.  She brings us to the one true Peace, her Son.

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

So much has happened in 2023 here at the Our Lady, Patroness of America Center; it seems like a blur. 

The highlight of the year was when Bishop Kevin Rhoades returned to dedicate the Altar of Sacrifice, which was damaged just before the 2022 blessing and renaming of the chapel. 

In addition to Bishop Rhoades’s involvement and presence, we received a gift from Heaven.  The gift is a deeper understanding of Heaven’s hope for America and how it will play out if we say YES and cooperate with Our Lady’s love for us, her children. Heaven has a very simple yet powerful plan to convert America and bring us the Peace of Christ.  The week of Thanksgiving, I had the awesome privilege to discuss this with Bishop Rhoades.  He affirmed my understanding of the gift and encouraged me to go deeper in understanding Heaven’s plan for America and to strive to bring her invitation to all who will hear.

What Heaven wants for the United States of America is not unprecedented.  In December of 1531, Our Lady came to St. Juan Diego near Mexico City.  As a result of the simple yet powerful Apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe, millions are converted to the Catholic Faith.  Her impact is enduring to this day, almost 500 years later.

Does Our Lady have another Guadalupe Intercession in store for America?  I believe she does.

But it is dependent on our cooperation with God’s Grace.  

It is the work of the Our Lady, Patroness of America Center, to bring Our Lady’s invitation to America.  And to encourage a resounding YES to our Lady’s request that we cooperate by following her plan to bring the Peace of Christ to the World.  It has just two requirements on our part: always seek to do God’s will in our lives and remain in a state of Sanctifying Grace through the pursuit of virtue and frequenting the Sacraments. With this, she will work miracles of conversion.

Our Lady’s invitation to America is not well known.  How can anyone say YES to an invitation that is never received?     The invitation needs to be clear, concise, and inviting.  It also needs to be inspiring.  If we can make her invitation known in a way that inspires an ardent YES, then the Center has fulfilled its mission.

In 2024, we hope to bring more energy and resources to that work. To understand what is next, please see the report to our stakeholders, “PREPARING FOR WHAT’S NEXT.”

Once you have read the report, I hope you see that there is so much work to be done.  And we need resources to accomplish it.  I am pleased to report that, once again, our very generous and engaged Board of Directors will match 2-for-1 all gifts through March 31, 2024.  For example, if you give $100, the board adds $200, providing $300 for our Mission.  It adds up quickly.  The board has committed up to $300,000 in matching funds.  Even small gifts take on extra significance!

Will you join our Board of Directors to spread Our Lady’s Invitation? 

Please pray and discern your role.  We need your prayers and for you to spread the invitation to friends and family.  If you can contribute financially, here is how you can help.

Please make checks payable to the Mother of Mercy Foundation, Inc., which owns and operates the Our Lady, Patroness of America Center and the Oratory of The Holy Family.  The Foundation is a 501(c)3 Public Charity; donations are tax-deductible. 

Mother of Mercy Foundation, Inc.

2730 E. Northport Road,

Rome City, IN 46784


Federal ID: 47-3185231

We qualify for donations made from donor-advised funds and, In most cases, qualify for employer-matching contributions.  All will be matched.  If you have any questions, please call our office or email

To give online, please go to our donor page at

May Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of America, bless you abundantly!