Read all about the great things happening at the Our Lady Patroness of America Center

Al Langsenkamp to Speak on Our Lady of America March 1 in Cincinnati
Al Langsenkamp, the volunteer president of the Our Lady Patroness of America Center, will present on Our Lady of America after the First Saturday Mass on March 1st

Plan Your Summer Visits to the Center
We look forward to welcoming you, your families, friends, and faith groups to our beautiful campus this summer. We provide presentations and tours most Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 11 am (except when noted on our website) or by appointment if those times don’t work for your group.

Annual Fundraising Appeal 2-for-1 Match!
2024 will be marked as the start of a historical change in America. This will be known as the year America started to wake up from its slumber (or perhaps stupor).

Thirty Second Social Media Clip
30-Second Social Midea Outreach Clip

The Fruits of 2024 and a Glance Into 2025
As we begin wrapping up this year and heading into the holiday season, we are again in wonder at all God has done here at the Our Lady, Patroness of America Center. We wanted to share a highlight reel with all of you who have done so much to help us live and spread this devotion further than we could ever hope to or accomplish on our own.

Pilgrim Walk Sees Fruit for Third Year
The summer season is coming to a close at the center, and we have so much to be thankful for. September brought a growing favorite event, the third annual pilgrim walk. The pilgrim walk was started to honor the anniversary of the devotion, and over the past three years, we have seen a growing number of pilgrims participate.

Eucharist Finds Permanent Home at Oratory
On the First Saturday of August 2024, the Oratory of the Holy Family received a great gift; we became the home of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. This was a historic day for the center as the Eucharist hasn’t been reserved here permanently since 1975 when the Sisters of the Precious Blood ended their residence here. A lot of work went into turning the former sacristy/vesting room into a Eucharistic chapel. The altar formally used in the Oratory was restored and reinforced, and a new altar top was created to hold the tabernacle’s weight. Jeff Nix, with the providential help

Center Sees Fruits of National Eucharistic Congress
From July 17th through the 21st, pilgrims from all over the United States filled the city of Indianapolis for the National Eucharistic Congress. It was a historic and grace-filled gathering that moved the hearts of many. Truly a Eucharistic revival, 60,000 plus pilgrims spent time in prayer, worship, healing, conversion, and communal joy. At Our Lady, Patroness of America Center in Rome City, we were blessed to be in the wake of the Congress. We increased our weekly hours to become a rest stop for pilgrims traveling through on their way to and from Indy. It became a busy and exciting

3rd Annual Pilgrim Walk to Celebrate Anniversary of the Devotion
Join us, September 15th, 2024, for the Third Annual Walking Pilgrimage in celebration of the 68th anniversary of the devotion to Our Lady of America. We will walk along Fishingline Trail from Kendallville to Our Lady, Patroness of America Center in Rome City. We will have varying starting points and times based on the distance you want to walk. Buses will shuttle pilgrims from the Patroness of America Center (2730 E. Northport Rd.) to your desired starting point following the schedule below. Once all pilgrims have arrived together back at the Center, we will have Benediction at the Oratory of

Eucharistic Reservation Begins at Oratory
This is exciting news for the Oratory of the Holy Family as we prepare to welcome the Blessed Sacrament in continuous reservation in the Tabernacle!

Busload of Pilgrims Enjoy Tour
On June 15th, we had the great joy of hosting around 70 pilgrims from various counties in Ohio. The bus arrived at the Our Lady, Patroness of America Center around 10:30 am and we jumped into a presentation by Al Langsenkamp at 11. After hearing about the history of the center, pilgrims enjoyed a boxed lunch out on the plaza. Following a good lunch break with time to visit the gift shop, fill up bottles at the spring, and enjoy the sunshine on campus, pilgrims were again invited to the Oratory to hear the rest of the story of the

Corpus Christi Procession Grows Amid Eucharistic Revival
On Sunday, June 2nd, parishioners from Saint Gaspar parish in Rome City celebrated the feast of Corpus Christi together. After the 10 am Mass, they held a Eucharistic Procession from the parish to Our Lady, Patroness of America Center down the road. Pilgrim parishioners followed our Eucharistic Lord down highway 9 assisted by the local police department. Thouands of processions took place around the world as the Church celebrated the Solemnity of Corpus Christi. The processions were particularly highlighted in the United States as we continue to prepare for the National Eucharistic Revival taking place in Indianapolis in July. Pilgrimages

Our Lady Travels to Staten Island
On May 19th, the Church throughout the world was celebrating Pentecost Sunday, but something special was happening on Staten Island. In celebration of the Solemnity of Pentecost and in preparation for the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton route of the Eucharistic Revival procession passing through, a group of priests and laity wanted to create a New York City-wide campaign to consecrate the city. A team of about 30 people gathered together for what they called the Miraculous Medal Mission. This group was then divided into 5 groups and dispatched throughout the island. The teams spent the morning and afternoon traveling throughout

Stop by this Summer on Your Eucharistic Congress Journey
As pilgrims converge in Indianapolis for the congress, our doors will be open to welcome them! We will have extended hours and daily presentations in conjunction with the Eucharistic Pilgrimage and Eucharistic Congress. We would love to be a part of your pilgrimage.

Father Kevin Barrett’s Presentations – Watch Now
Fr. Kevin Barrett’s 4-part series on the Holy Family is now available. This excellent, in-depth discussion brings great insight into fulfilling Our Lady’s hope that our families will be like her little family in Nazareth.

Presentation by Father Kevin Barrett
On March 1st and 2nd, Father Kevin Barrett will be celebrating Mass at the Oratory of the Holy Family in conjunction with the First Friday and First Saturday devotions and giving a presentation on imitating the Holy Family and on family consecration. Father Kevin Barrett is the chaplain for the Apostolate for Family Consecration.

2023 Year in Review
2023 came with an abundance of graces and a whole lot of fun at the Our Lady, Patroness of America Center! One of the greatest joys of our mission is welcoming our pilgrims. This year, we welcomed more pilgrims than ever! We love to see generations and people from all different states and countries receiving the devotion of Our Lady of America.

Annual Fundraising Appeal 2-for-1 Match!
We are pleased to announce that, once again, our very generous and engaged Board of Directors will match 2-for-1 all gifts through March 31, 2024. For example, if you give $100, the board adds $200, providing $300 for our Mission. It adds up quickly. The board has committed up to $300,000 in matching funds. Even small gifts take on extra significance!

Exciting Plans Ahead for the Center
Report to Pilgrims, Volunteers, Patrons, Friends, and Family. 2023 has been a year of growth at the Our Lady, Patroness of America Center. Pilgrim visits are up 40+ percent, and the email list has nearly doubled over 2022. The mission is growing, and we are blessed! And we are encouraged, especially considering that pilgrims are the number 1 focus at the center. We treat each pilgrim as if God sent them; I believe it is true. Each pilgrim is a gift! It affirms that Our Lady wants all of us, her children, to participate with her in bringing souls to

Second Annual Walking Pilgrimage a Beautiful Witness
On September 24th, we held the Second Annual Walking Pilgrimage to celebrate the 67th anniversary of the start of the devotion to Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of America. The Lord granted us gorgeous weather for that Sunday afternoon, and we could not have asked for more. We had many families, the young and the old, the sick and the healthy, who came to join their intentions and prayers together. The processional statue of Our Lady of America led Pilgrims. Over 150 pilgrims joined us throughout the day. Many began at 1 p.m. and walked the full 7 miles

Bishop Kevin Rhoades Returns for Mass and Altar Dedication
On July 15th, 2023, His Excellency Bishop Kevin Rhoades celebrated the Mass for the Dedication of an Altar at the Oratory of the Holy Family. There to celebrate with him were a dozen clergy from multiple dioceses, over 400 pilgrims from all over the country, and over 100 more live-streaming the event online. The new ambo arrived just in time to have Bishop Rhoades bless it at the beginning of Mass. From it, special readings for the Mass for the Dedication of an Altar were read. This included the recounting of the dedication of the altar in the book of

Pilgrim Walk – Anniversary of Devotion to Our Lady, of America.
Join us, September 24th, 2023, for the Second Annual Walking Pilgrimage in celebration of the 67th anniversary of the devotion to Our Lady of America. We will walk along Fishingline Trail from Kendallville to Our Lady, Patroness of America Center in Rome City. We will have varying starting points and times based on the distance you want to walk. Buses will shuttle pilgrims from the Patroness of America Center (2730 E. Northport Rd.) to your desired starting point following the schedule below. Once all pilgrims have arrived together back at the Center, we will have Benediction at the Oratory of

Altar of Sacrifice ready for Consecration
Consecration and Blessing of the Altar The Oratory of the Holy Family is named in remembrance of the greatest singular event in all creation! It is a reminder of the eternal joy of Heaven when into the Holy Family through the Fiat of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the “Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” (John 1:14). At the moment of the Annunciation creation was sanctified by the presence of the Child. On Christmas, it became manifest, history was changed, and Salvation entered the world! At the Last Super, Jesus established the Eucharist so that He would never leave

UPDATES! – Bishop Rhoades’s Mass July 15, 2023 @ 11:00 AM
Bishop Rhoades returns to consecrate new Altar after las years accident.

Be a Part of History; Volunteer at the Center!
Volunteer at Bishop’s Mass – Sign Up! Nearly one thousand pilgrims from all across the nation are expected to participate in this historic event. Bishop Rhoades will consecrate our new Altar of Sacrifice and deposit the relics of Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr, and Saint Gallicanus, Martyr. And then, as the day’s pinnacle, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered. Without a doubt, this is an historic event. Only in time will we understand the nature and magnitude of its meaning as Our Lady unfolds her plan to bring Peace and Healing to her children. I can’t wait

Corpus Christi Procession Joins Together Pilgrims Throughout the World
United with pilgrims the world over Sunday June 11, 2023-Rome City, Indiana: United with pilgrims from all over the world, we had our own Eucharistic procession right here in Rome City to celebrate the Solemnity of Corpus Christi on June 11th following the 10 a.m. Mass. We followed our Eucharistic Lord from Saint Gaspar Catholic Church to the Oratory of the Holy Family along State Road 9. The procession was led by pastor and chaplain Father Louis Fowoyo, assisted by Deacon Ray Krouse. After Benediction in the Oratory of the Holy Family, pilgrims returned to Saint Gaspar to enjoy brunch

St Agnes, Virgin and Martyr
First-Class relics of St. Agnus and St. Galliconus are the relics to be forever encased in the Altart of Sacrafice

The Friday Evening Rosary Makes Its Return
Each Friday, starting April 28, 2023, the Holy Rosary of Our Lady will be prayed to start at 7:00 P.M. Depending on the weather; the Rosary will be prayed in the Oratory or Holy Family Hill. Long a tradition here at Rome City, it ended when Larry Young lost property ownership in 2010. Now 13 years later, the tradition returns. Praise God! Before the tradition was lost, pilgrims relayed many stories of prayers answered, peace restored, and healing of body and soul. The regular pilgrims started as a small group and grew as the months passed. As we are dismayed

Flame of Love Conference – Registration
Registration open for the May 12 & May 13 events at the Oratory of the Holy Family Click here to register.

Mark your Calendars! Summer Events at the Center
New events added to the schedule in addition to the First Saturday Devotion Masses. Spring has sprung here at the Center. The April 1 Saturday Mass had more than 100 in attendance, of which nearly 25 were here for the first time! Most pilgrims stay the day to hear presentations on the devotion, visit the historic places on the property, and learn more about God’s Love and promise of Grace. It will be a busy summer, and we hope you can join us for these upcoming events. Here is the line-up in chronological order: Friday Evening Rosary Returning a

We Need You! Meet Our Annual Appeal Goal and Respond to the Call
Do you fear for our country? I do!

2-for-1 Match – It’s up to us!
Building on the success of last year’s 2-for-1 match the Foundation’s Board has once again committed taking our work to the next level! The 2-for-1 match is back! Like 2022 (in review), the board wants another year of large strides in response to Our Lady’s call. 2023 will be a pivotal year. Our focus has been on providing the essentials; water, heat, electricity and offering of Holy Mass in a somewhat appropriate space. In 2023 we will start to bring outreach and programming into focus, while we continue to prioritize liturgy and liturgical space improvements. Our Lady continues to lead us.

Save the Date! Bishop Kevin Rhoades to Offer Holy Mass
Bishop Kevin Rhoades will offer Holy Mass and Bless the Chapel at the Our Lady, Patroness of America Center in Rome City, IN.

In Thanksgiving for the Blessings of 2022
Year in review. As Thanksgiving nears, it brings us to reflect on the generosity and support of our benefactors, pilgrims, and the local Church. The Our Lady, Patroness of America center has made great strides with your support and participation. Please accept our deepest appreciation and thanks. None of this is possible without your help! And without pilgrims it would all be in vain. We often hear from pilgrims how much has changed since they were last here. This remark follows only a few months between visits. It is a great testament to what staff and volunteers accomplished this year.

Updated Hours for the Our Lady of America Center
The Oratory will be closed Thursday – Sunday of Thanksgiving Weekend The Center is open on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 11:00 AM for a visit and tour. We stay open until the tour is over – generally until 1:30-2:00. We continue to do substantial improvements at the center and we have workers and volunteers around most days from 9:00 to 3:00. Many days, but not all the Oratory is open during some of these hours. But it is not certain. If you are planning a visit at a time other than the posted tours, then call ahead to arrange

First Annual Pilgrim Walk Beyond Expectations!
2022 Pilgrim Walk on Anniversary of Our Lady of America to the Oratory of the Holy Family

Visit Rome City This Fall For These Events
Join in the Fall Events at the Our Lady, Patroness of America Center

First Annual Patroness of America Anniversary Pilgrimage Walk
Pilgrimage Walk to the Oratory of the Holy Family to honor Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin Patroness of America.

Healing Spring Water Easily In Reach
New Fount Supplies Water To Three Spigots Filling bottles and jugs from the reportedly healing water at Rome City, just got immensely easier. Larry Young, property manager at the Our Lady, Patroness of America Center had always worried that someone would be injured as they filled their water containers on the side of the hill. There had to be a better way. The spring water was used in the Kneipp Water Cure practiced at the Sanitarium for over 80 years. Over the years there have been a number of cures associated with this water. Some, easily explained, others seem to

Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades’s Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and Event – Recap
His Excellency, Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades celebrated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on August 6th, the Feast of the Transfiguration with 750 of the lay faithful 12 Priests and a Deacon at the Our Lady, Patroness of America Center in Rome City, Indiana. Sixty-Five participated remotely. Priests came from as far as New York City and pilgrims came from California, Texas, and New York and many states in between. The day was a celebration of Our Lady’s work and the pastoral care of Bishop Rhoades in allowing devotion to Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin Patroness of America to grow

Drawing for FREE statue of Our Lady of America
In celebration of Bishop Rhoades’s Mass, we are giving away an 11 inch hand painted statue of Our Lady of America to one graced winner.

St Agnes, Virgin and Martyr
Bishop Rhoades Will Deposit Saint’s Relic in Altar Through the great generosity of a FSSP priest serving the Diocese of Fort Wayne – South Bend, the Oratory of the Holy Family has been graced with a relic of St. Agnes of Rome, Virgin and Martyr. This early saint is mentioned in the Litany of Saints and has been recognized by the Church as an outstanding example of faith. It is fitting that we will have as our intercessor a saint who pursued purity to perfection. Not only in her pursuit of chastity, but as an even greater call to do

Important Updates: Details for Bishop Rhoades’s Mass August 6, 2022
Events Add to Historic Past, Point to Future Important UpdatesAugust 4, 2022 Stream We are so excited to be welcoming Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades to the Our Lady, Patroness of America Center this Saturday. And equally excited to be welcoming you, her pilgrims. We are most thankful for the many volunteers that have helped us get ready for this day. It is also very exciting to know that over 600 pilgrims will be in attendance. It looks like Our Lady is taking care of the weather for us here in Northeast, Indiana. Saturday’s forecast is delightful and dry! Here are

New Updates Made to Summer Schedule
Summer event schedule at Our Lady, Patroness of America Center

Special Memorial Day Weekend Hours
The Chapel will be open on Mermorial Day Weekend.

Historic Water Tower Gets Demolished – Watch Timelapse
The historic water tower which graced the campus for 70+ years was take down for safety reasons.

UPDATE ON GOAL! Christmas Appeal with 2-for-1 Match
Stretch Goal Exceeded! Updated May2, 2022: Praise God! After the First Saturday Mass in March our stretch goal was exceeded, completely using all the 2-1 Match offered by our Board of Directors. What a team we have. Dedicated and prayerful pilgrims, a generous and committed Board, hardworking volunteers and staff combine to make this joyful and fun. God’s Providence shines through in so many ways. With this we have commissioned the creation of a new and permanent Altar of Sacrifice, that we hope will be in place by August 6, 2022, when Bishop Rhoades will be offering Holy Mass at

Why is the Pope’s Consecation so important?
Explore why the Consecration of Russia, Ukraine and all of humnity so important?

Pope Leads World in Historic Act of Consecration
Friday March 25, 2022, the Feast of the Annunciation, His Holiness, Pope Francis in unity with all the Bishops of the world will Consecrate humanity and especially Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Our Lady, Patroness of America Center will join in solidarity and prayer with this historic act. The Center will open at 10:00 AM. Eucharistic Adoration will start at 11:00 and conclude with Benediction. At noon, Fr. Osman Ramos, F.M. will preside as we join in the prayer of consecration with Pope Francis, Bishop Kevin Rhoades and all the Bishops and Clergy of the

Save the Date! Bishop Kevin Rhoades to Offer Holy Mass
Bishop Kevin Rhoades will offer Holy Mass and Bless the Chapel at the Our Lady, Patroness of America Center in Rome City, IN.

A Member of The Holy Family?
As we head into spring, I draw your attention to Holy Family Hill which is part of the south lawn of the Our Lady, Patroness of America Center’s 62-acre pilgrimage site. This hill which is elevated about 30 feet above the surrounding lawn and fields is a place where many pilgrims experience in a special way, Our Lady’s consolation and peace. On the top of the hill is a statue of the Holy Family and an area where pilgrims gather to say the Rosary. As our Lord completed his Passion on the Cross, he gives His Mother, Our Lady to

Novena of Masses – March For Life
Novena of Masses during March For Life. Visit Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgn, Patroness of America while traveling to and from Washington, DC.

THE SOLEMNITY OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Bishop’s Decree gives Our Lady, Patronessof America a home! His Excellency, Kevin C. Rhoades, Bishop of Fort Wayne – South Bend issued a Singular Decree on November 3, 2020, which recognized the Our Lady, Mother of Mercy Chapel, Rome City (now the Oratory of the Holy Family), Indiana as a public chapel of the lay faithful. And he further set forth that the Our Lady, Mother of Mercy Center is an allowed place of pilgrimage and is free to engage in public spiritual activities (Holy Mass, Rosary, Confessions, etc.) subject to the immediate vigilance

I am the Immaculate One, Patroness of your land
Be my faithful children as I have been your faithful Mother. Coming soon is the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception. December 8 is the day that the United States has the special privilege of celebrating our Queen and Patroness. Her title – Queen of all Heaven and Earth was given to her by the Holy Trinity. The title of our nation’s Patroness was offered to her by Bishop John Carol in 1792. Without hesitation, she accepted and is in fact our nation’s Patroness. Unfortunately, we give little thought to her as Patroness and what it means. The secular definition

We Must Protect our Bishops! Praying in Solidarity with Them
Holy Mass for Bishop Kevin Rhoades and all U.S. Bishops Mass November 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th: All Events Next week (November 15-18, 2021) the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops will conduct their annual General Assembly in Baltimore. This conference is when the bishops meet to discuss issues facing the Church, pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and discern the course forward. They also celebrate the Holy Mass and pray as a group. I had the privilege to attend the 2006 Conference, seeing firsthand their work. Being a Holy Bishop is an extremely difficult vocation. If we really

You Must Choose Your Weapon Carefully!
The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him. ~ G.K. Chesterton No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. ~ Jesus Christ (John 13:15) There are times in history where the course of human events is determined for centuries to come. Nativity, Pope John Paul II, Our Lady of Guadalupe Some of these are sublime: The Birth of Jesus Christ, the election of St. John Paul II, and the conversion of millions in Mexico by the appearance of Our

The Rise and Fall of America?
Will America join the great nations that have ceased to exist? Or is there a different outcome for our great nation?

Pilgrim visits grow as more people discover Our Lady of America
More pilgrims visiting each month as devotion to Our Lady of America Crows

By Thy Holy And Immaculate Conception O Mary, Deliver Us From Evil
By thy Holy and Immaculate Conception O Mary, Deliver us from evil. Prayer of Our Lady of America

Video of First Saturday Mass
Fr. David Voors at the Mother of Mercy Chapel in Rome City, IN.

Special July 4th Weekend Set to Honor our Patroness
Nearly 200 pilgrims visit. Holy Mass and Rosary offered for the United States of America.

Our Lady call us to imitate the Holy Family so the Holy Trinity can dwell there.

In just a few weeks we will celebrate the 245th anniversary of our nation’s beginning! In these years we have risen to become the greatest nation in modern history. America was constructed with a novel Declaration of Independence and subsequent Constitution that recognized in law the greatest of human freedoms. Among those freedoms enshrined into law was the free right to worship God without coercion or obstruction. Not only was our nation founded with these freedoms, but our founding fathers also recognized that Divine Providence was clearly evident in our establishment. “The Hand of providence has been so conspicuous in

Springs Forth from the Immaculate Conception
To understand the devotion to Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of America (in short Our Lady of America) it is most helpful to understand the historical backdrop to her message. The devotion to Our Lady of America has as its very center the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. Forming its very foundation is the consecration of our nation by the American bishops, the love of her children in America and the honor given Our Lady as the Immaculate Conception which has been made manifest by the Basilica Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. When the Catholic

Patroness of America’s 229th Anniversary
On May 28, 2021, our nation will celebrate the 229th anniversary of our nation’s consecration to Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of America. The private devotion to Our Lady of America, the Immaculate Virgin is a response to this consecration of our nation by our first Bishop, John Carroll. This consecration has offered our nation the advantage of Our Lady’s intercession, protection and patronage. While we have been greatly tested throughout our history with the civil war, two World Wars and numerous other conflicts, we have overcome these difficulties and risen to greatness. Today, our challenges seem to be

Chapel Full at March Holy Mass
First Saturday Devotion Masses to Continue! Next May 1

2021 Masses begin at Mother of Mercy Chapel
Starts with First Saturday Devotion to the Immaculate Heart Before we humbly seek the intercession of Our Lady, The Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of America (Our Lady of America) perhaps we should consider our relationship with her. Yes, she is our spiritual Mother, and she loves us more than we can comprehend, but we also know that children frequently offend and bring sorrow to a mother’s heart through their acts, transgressions, and indifference. The good mother still loves the child but is saddened, nevertheless. We are her children and we have offended her. As a nation we have strayed in so many

Events for 2020 Feast of The Immaculate Conception – Mass Live Streamed Dec. 8
Chapel open for Pilgrims on Feast of The Immaculate Conception. Mass 4:30 PM EST Dec. 8